#Rekord buddy engine prime download
Just find a MacBook, download the free Engine Prime from Denon’s website and run DeCU on your CDJ USBs. In case of emergency when you are at a venue expecting Pioneer gear but running into SC5000’s.

If you’ve seen other recent posts about the DJ Conversion Utility, it’s no surprise that this enterprising Netherlands-based developer has taken on the challenge.
#Rekord buddy engine prime manual
For any serious DJ making playlists regularly, this means a lot of manual work. ITunes organizers can see all of their playlists in Denon Engine – but the playlist/folder hierarchy is broken, with every playlist from every folder appearing at the same level. Currently iTunes playlists have no structured hierarchy / folders in Engine Prime Remember the campaign tagline for the SC5000s was #SwitchYourRider – implying that Pioneer CDJ users were the focus. If you’re lucky enough to have your entire library in Serato DJ, you can import it into Engine Prime – but that’s not the target audience of Denon’s new players. For our review of the SC5000s, Denon did note that an “elegant solution” was “coming soon” for this process, but we’re almost one month later with no more information. If you want to move your Rekordbox library into Denon’s Engine Prime, there’s no direct way to do it now.

There’s nothing official out yet, but the just-launched Denon Conversion Utility offers one solution. For DJs coming from Rekordbox, it feels like there should be an easy, no-hassle way to turn a CDJ-ready USB drive into an Engine Prime compatible library. One of the main hesitations for DJs considering switching to the new Denon SC5000 players is the demands of switching to a new track organization system.